Thursday, December 15, 2011

Have Yourself
a Merry
Little Christmas...

Posted with artist's permission

Monday, December 12, 2011

A Christmas Mystery

Based on a local ten o'clock news story, with film)

Why did the man punch his neighbor's inflated Santa?
Had his boss chewed him out that day?
Was he enraged by the commercialization of Christmas?
Did his neighbor's dog poop on his lawn?
What could have provoked him so on a starry Christmas night?

In the shadow of darkness, he pummeled Santa.
Hit him with a right, a left, and another right!
Santa didn't stand a chance.
But justice was served by the unseen surveillance camera,
And his neighbor had the last laugh.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Frisbee Time

"Oh, boy!  FRISBEE.
Here we go.
I can't wait!!

Come on!! 
Oh, boy.
Where is it??

Come on
Come on
Throw it!!!"
By Jax McGregor, border collie

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Sadly, The Author of "Tolstoy Lied," Lied

Well, I must report that the author of “Tolstoy Lied,” appears to have lied.   In the beginning of the novel, she asserts that Tolstoy was wrong in his first line of "Anna Karenina", which stated that "Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way."  But, apparently she wasn't able write a novel in which happy people are interesting, because her characters are disappointingly empty and pessimistic.   

I thought for a moment that the author was trying to be clever and prove Tolstoy correct, but at the end of the novel, she tries to pull it together by saying they actually ARE happy, just in their own way.  And, that happiness simply can't be defined.   


Thursday, December 1, 2011

Sitting under a shade tree
The cool grass tickles
Breezes blow by
Leaves whisper
Warm sunlight peeks through
My mind wanders, no real place to go

Photo by Johnny; Poem by Lori