Monday, July 30, 2012

"Distant Thunder"
Andrew Wyeth

When I first saw this painting, I had a moment of quick recognition---"it's me!"   Lying in a field on a sunny day, a dog nearby, binoculars for bird watching, a book, NAPPING.  Hello me!

 It's actually Betsy, the wife of Andrew Wyeth.   I wish I could have known her---she and I would get along!!


  1. The patches of sunlight are amazing ... Not even there in the instagram you sent around. she looks like she would have been a fine person to know, right? (like you)

  2. Yes, the patches of sunlight! My eyes went instantly to them. I wondered about the first image I had--it just didn't seem to look like Andrew Wyeth to me. So I researched it to make sure it was authentic, and that's how I found the actual painting. She does seem like a fine person---the best of me.

    I've got a blurb Andrew Wyeth wrote about this painting on another blog I started today which I'm dedicating to my favorite artworks. It's called Bread and Syrup :)

  3. This post made me happy. It IS you and I love you!
