Sunday, July 22, 2012

Why not go out on a limb?

I am the kind of person who can get into a serious rut.  I’ve eaten the same salad almost every night for 5 years, have two cups of coffee every morning, hike the same trails, watch Frasier reruns, and take a stroll around the backyard every night.  I love to do the same activities I enjoy over and over.   Each is very satisfying to me, but sometimes I think I depend on them to give my life structure.  So I fill my life with my favorite things, but then there’s no room for anything new.  
Could I rotate out some of my favorite things?  And why do I need structure?  Would I fall apart without it?  What would happen?  I don’t know!!   That's the draw and the anxiety.
I guess, in retrospect, some organization is good.  It keeps my life flowing, and allows my mind to wander, which is what I like.  But, really, none of the activities mentioned above fall in the organization category (except for the walk around the backyard at night—the dog must have it!).  
That’s why I love this quote by Mark Twain.  It captures the appeal and the danger of getting out of the comfort zone—sometimes the limb breaks, but if it doesn't, ahhh.....the fruit is delicious.  And, you know, even if the limb breaks, I may still get the fruit, plus a few bruises!!


  1. What a thought: organization and routine allow the mind to wander. That's brilliant! It reminds me of Sunday mornings, when I choose NOT to shower. If I shower, I kick into the mode, and I daydream and ponder. But if I decide, hmm, no need to shower today, I stand there for a long time wondering what to do. My mind is captive, almost; it couldn't wander, for SURE. I have to think so hard just to get myself ready for church, that sometimes, even if I don't need it, I start the shower routine so I can relax and not have to focus so hard. What a fun thought, thanks!

    But I know your point was about breaking free from the routine ... maybe both are good!

  2. I know just what you mean about the shower! My mind does some of its best wandering there.

    I think, for me, there's a security in routine that I probably don't need, and sometimes I just need to fly by the seat of my pants instead of being prepared for every possiblity. I'm sure there's a balance to this!

  3. I saw this yesterday, I think it relates :) (as do I)
